Jack Baty / Scribbles
March 30th, 2024

Today's experiments

My experiment using howm for notes continues. I can't pin down why I like it so much, but the fact that I'm using it by default without thinking much about it is very telling. I've made two important changes to my howm config. 

First, I'm using one document per day rather than one document for each note. This is done like this:

(setq howm-file-name-format "%Y/%Y-%m-%d.md")

There are two other changes hidden in that setting. First is that I'm dumping all of the daily documents into a single folder for the current year. I think I'll be fine dealing with no more than 365 files in each folder. I suspect grep will be slightly faster, too. The second change is that I'm defaulting to Markdown files. I used plain .txt files for a few days, and I love the simplicity, but I don't know that I can live without some of the simple formatting that I get in markdown-mode for Emacs. I am also considering just using org-mode for the files, but somehow that feels like a step too far. We'll see.

My extrication from evil-mode has been going surprisingly well. I'm 90% sure I won't be bringing it back. 

The other small experiment today is that I'm using Safari as my default browser. I miss the simplicity and integration when using Safari. I really like Arc, so the odds of staying with Safari are pretty low, but it's refreshing for the moment. I'm typing this post in it.

And Scribbles remains fun and simple and also refreshing. I like it. I'm still here and hope to keep it that way. I may decide to change the domain name, though. Trying to think of something a little less cute but still fun. I'm open to suggestions :).